You know what motivates me?

The idea of sharing Jesus with all of the people I’ve ever met for Eternity. Ever.

It only dawned on me a couple of months ago that a huge reason the bible emphasizes the need for community and unity is because God wants to see us all get there. He wants all of us and so naturally I should want all of us in response to that. I mean most people will read that and be like “Duh, Fawn.. that’s ridiculously obvious.” I mean the reason why the bible talks about it so much is because whoever believes is going to be amongst the people you get to hang out with for the rest of your afterlife. What. So cool.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10: 24-25

It’s a biblical principle that has now been slightly twisted into a new age trend. It’s the thought of “I don’t want to compete with anyone, I want us all to make it”; I’ve used it plenty of times. Crazy how most of the things that I was inspired by that were written as little life motivations can actually be found in pure form within the bible. When Paul was writing to the Phillipians God gave him this exact revelation to share, “Don’t act out of selfish ambition or be conceited. Instead, humbly think of others as being better than yourselves,” Phillipians 2:3. We also had a living example of this kind of life. Jesus. The fact is, we did because He first did. Jesus wants us all SO badly that He died for us. How amazing is that? A person sacrificed everything so that all you had to do is simply choose eternity. Amazing. I fall in love with my Jesus more and more each day. And He falls more and more in love with you every day. Don’t you want to sit at a table with someone who loves you MORE and MORE each day. And it’s not a creepy thing at all! It’s that butterflies-in-the-stomach-but-really-never-goes-away-unless-you-turn-from-it feeling.  Also men, you totally love that feeling, and if you think you don’t, you’re probably lying to yourself. And anyone who hasn’t felt that feeling yet, I invite you to try it out. Iz tha basssst (My attempt at trying to write out how Nacho Libre would say that. Yep. You heard it. No shame. It happens to be one of my favourite movies).

I’ve been listening to commentary by John Mark McMillan on some of his live recorded albums lately and it’s sooooo refreshing. The guy is smart.

Processed with VSCO with c4 presetNot that intellectual “lets argue about which theological philosophy is correct” smart, but the kind of smart that actually resonates with your everyday reality. That’s probably why I end up being so fascinated with songwriters, especially ones like him. The way they connect moments with people is definitely something that I long to do.

Really, first and foremost, John is just so real with his love for Jesus. That’s why the track that his train is on makes me motivated to want to switch some gears. The songs make me feel like I’m a traveler alongside him on this passenger train ride we’ve decided to take together. It’s like talking to a friend, because when you talk to a friend (well hopefully this is your experience) you’re able to agree on things. It makes you feel like you’re reaching a destination and you’re doing it with someone. It’s nice to hear things and agree with them! It’s the same feeling a breath of fresh air or a sigh of relief gives you. Good intake, and satisfying release.

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On most of these commentaries, he talks about how life really is all about the people you reach and the ones who sit at your table. I get so teary eyed at this picture. I love it so much. Your table might not be the same size as my table and for sure you can anticipate that it’s probably going to be readjusted over time, adding bits here and there, some seasons you’ll have to take some chairs away and sit with less for a while, and sometimes the chairs themselves will have to change in height, size, and use (BABIES). At the end of your life though your table could be full.  “Everything Jesus did was an invitation”, is a quote by Jonathan Helser (another musician, shocker) which inspires me to be way more willing to be bold in how I put myself out there. Jesus has given me the confidence in a specific way lately, that might seem insignificant to you but means the world to me in this period of my life. I have always wanted to be able to look anyone I see or meet in the eye and say hello without the fear of rejection. I knew a boy for a time who did that to everyone who crossed his path when we’d go for walks. I mostly just looked away or at the ground, or really only had the guts to try because he was there with me doing it first. The reality is that Ireally wanted that freedom for myself. I wanted not to care if someone chose not to say hi back or thought I was strange for trying. And guess what?? NOW I DO. Within the last 3 months Jesus has restored that confidence inside of me that was never supposed to have left in the first place. I walked by about 5 people today and even started up a conversation with a couple of them. If this story resonates with you, I can guarantee you that Jesus definitely wants to do it for you too. Such a small thing but such a large victory from a Kingdom perspective for anyone!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

Your life is influenced by everything around you and everyone around you. Which in turn means that everyone around you is probably influenced by you in one way or another even without your knowledge at times. God wants to give us every opportunity we can to draw people in to share our lives and build our tables up with. The guest list is clear. You’re invited, you’re invited, and you’re invited. I’m pretty open about what I’d like my table talk to be these days. Which is predominantly the goodness of Jesus. The funny thing is that for this season of my life my table is pretty small and really only has a couple of permanent chairs. Even those chairs, sturdy and well founded as they are, are kind of like those shaker chairs that you unhook from the wall when needed ( If you don’t know what those chairs are you should look up them up. They’re actually very cool, very minimalist. You’ll love it). I’m not saying this because I want you to feel sorry for me. I want you to know how joyful I am at even the prospect of having another chair sit at my table. I’m not desperate. I don’t chase. Jesus didn’t chase after people, if they wanted Him they came to Him, or at least if they asked then He would go to them. There was no pride involved. It’s been my goal to go and be with anyone who asks me to. I will literally change my schedule around and miss out on other things to cater to people and their lives. I do this because they are worth the care. Every single person I know is darn well worth my time. I mean they ASKED. I give them credit for that, it’s 2017, no one asks anymore, they just assume it’ll come to them, or they feel so rejected from life already they don’t have the confidence to want to ask. Point is it’s very hard to find people willing to come to you and that’s exactly why I’ve chosen to be the one who is flexible for now. Different seasons will call for different things out of you. My life is going to be one of little loving gestures of service, and sometimes that really just looks like an afternoon walk with a friend or having a new a guest at your table for a meal.

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You can open the doors of your heart to let new people in. You can ask God to take over and bring those opportunities into your life. You don’t have to overwork yourself; God wants to be your provider. I believe in you, so I’m going to invite you to pray about it with me tonight. We’ll work on opening up, on seeking people out, on being more in love with the goodness of the Lord, and on always being inviting.

Dear God 

Thank you so much for today. Thank you for the beautiful revelation of people. For the sheer fact that you have not created us to live our lives alone. Thank you that we get to walk along side one another and spur each other into greater relationship with you. I’m so blessed for the people who already live in heart who are doing this with me. I thank you so much for them, and ask you to bless them tenfold just for the way that they show their hearts towards you and to me. Lord I ask you to open the table of my heart. Let it expand to allow new people to share your love with. Let me trust in you to bring this into my life. Lord I trust you. I trust you with my table. I trust that you will give me the discernment to let the right people in for the right occasions. Lord you are such a patient God, that I ask you to make my soul just as patient as you are with me. Let me know when it’s time for action and when it’s time to wait. But overall Lord let my life be an invitation to everyone. To know the goodness that you have done for me. Let me rest knowing that you love me because you designed me and you didn’t design me to do works. Those were gifts. Lord and any extension of work I can do for you through those gifts is just an added blessing, but that I can rest knowing that me just being with you and in your presence is enough for you. I ask that everyone I meet would know the freedom that is in living a life like that with you. Come what may Lord, I ask you to always be the head of my table, and I trust you with the rest.

Thank you, Father, I love you. 

AmenProcessed with VSCO with kk2 preset

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